Bible study this week


Sunday @ 9:15am | Bible Study between services | Ephesians


Tuesday @ 9:00am | Adult Bible Study | Ephesians



Thursday @ 6:30pm | Women's Bible study  | The Book Of Luke





Upcoming Dates




Family game night

 Saturday December 7th - Fellowship hall - 4:00pm







Art Sale

 December 14 - 12:00 pm

December 15 - After service

Art work by Lynda Ziembko will be on sale. Proceeds will go the new sign fund.





Cantata at Risen Christ

 December 15 - 4:00 pm


Risen Christ would like to invite Holy Lamb to participate with them

in singing this year’s “Canticles in Candlelight”.




Microbrew Group

 December 28 - 4:00 pm




The installation of Reverend Scott W. Kirchoff

Sunday, January 5 - 4:00 pm




Dining with Friends

 January 28 - Rotellis Pizza, Conway